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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Misi Utk Kurus Kini bermula

Eeee.....................lamenye tak jengah blok ni,mak bkn ape,xde mood + ade masalah dunia yg perlu disettlekan, ayat xboleh blah masalah dunia kunun,mengalahkan Obama plak:0.Ok lah mak nak cite kisah mak sekarang yg dah mule on Diet Herbalife, coz mak dah mmg xleh tahan dah dgn kegemukkan mak coz geram a dah tak leh nak soping kat MNG OR PADINI lagi dah coz mmg jarang dpt pakai bj cantik becauze of the size, and I really hate it, and sedar mak tak leh nak rely on BF only for kurus and I need to do something;( Mak ni mmg jenis badan cpt je naik,wlu tak delah melantak byk sgt especially bile dah kawin ni lagi lah mencanak2,malu seh bile berat kite lg berat dr husband:) so mak pun nak try le herbalife ni coz dah ade few member kat office dah dah lost so many Kg's in few month after consuming it,so mak decide to give a try, Yes true it's little bit costly tp terpakselah kan, n I noticed this product is safe and good for BF mother as it's is Soy base product kan. Mak try tropical fruit flavour and the program start today at My weight of 75kg so until that we see lah byk mane mak berjaye turunkan berat after 1 month ok, doakan mak kurus ye,he,...he... klu tak berjaya gak mak akan telan je botol herbalife tu puas hati. Ok chow.........

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